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DIY Photography

With the average cost of a wedding constantly on the rise, many couples are looking for ways to trim the budget.

One area that seems like an easy place to save money is the photography. Today’s digital cameras allow anyone to take wedding photos, right? WRONG!

  • Professional photographers generally have higher-end equipment, as well as a wider variety of lenses, from large ones (for close-ups without getting too close) to wide-angle for group shots.
  • Also, professional photographers have back up cameras. (Yes, sometimes things go wrong with cameras!)
  • Smartphone cameras are continuously advancing but that doesn't necessarily mean they are going to produce the best quality photos. Do you really want someone to use a phone for your once-in-a-lifetime photos?
  • Professional photographers know from years of training and experience what makes a good shot great and even how to make a bad shot still look pretty good and access to all the special effects that you see in photographs today.
  • Professional photographers also know what shots are “must-haves” such as shots of the bride and her bridal party, the cake cutting, etc.
  • Professional photographers also recognize an unexpected great shot, like when the flower girl decides to throw all the petals in one bunch.

So when it comes to your wedding day photography, let your friends and family enjoy your wedding and let the professional photographer work your wedding.
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