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Submit My Real Wedding

You spent months, maybe years, planning the wedding of your dreams. Now, it is time to share it! Tell us about yourself and your wedding below and your wedding might be featured as a Real Wedding on

Contact Information
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Vendor Names

If you have a link to an existing gallery, please share the link for us to download.

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By submitting my wedding to Texas Weddings/The Kenway Collective, I understand that our names, our wedding details and our photos may be used in print, on our website, on our social media and in other marketing efforts without payment or consideration. I also understand that by submitting this real wedding, I am agreeing that I have full right to submit the content and I am certifying that to Texas Weddings/The Kenway Collective that the content belongs to me. Texas Weddings/The Kenway Collective reserves the right to edit, modify, or remove any content from your submission before publishing.

Brides by ElizabethHampton Inn RiverwalkBridal ExtravaganzaSubmit your Wedding