The first impression your wedding is going to make on guests is the invitations. Your wedding invitation can help set the mood and style for your wedding, whether they are contemporary or classic; casual or formal. Once you’ve decided the style of your wedding, pick your invitation.
Decide how many guests, based on budget. Divide that number into thirds: 1/3 for the couple’s friends and 1/3 for each of the two families. All guests should be invited to both the wedding and the reception.
Remember, invitations are always written in the third person. Spell everything out…the wedding date, time, all numerals and names. Abbreviations, initials and nicknames are never used except for Mr. or Mrs., Jr. or Dr. and Lt. Colonel.
“The honour of your presence” (spelled with the u) on the invitation indicates a religious ceremony, while “the pleasure of your company” indicates a civil service.
Be sure to order enough invitations… one for every married couple, each single adult guest, each attendant and their parents (if invited), your attendants’ dates (if single), everyone in the groom’s family and of course, your clergyman. Order extras for emergencies and keepsakes.
Extra envelopes are a must, this will allow for any mistakes you may make when addressing. For beautiful hand addressing invitations, a bride may turn to a calligrapher.
Hand-address all envelopes in blue or black ink. Remember, use full names, no initials.
Insert the invitation into the inner envelope with enclosure cards, and printed side facing the back flap. Insert this inner envelope into your addressed envelope.
Invitations should be mailed six weeks before the wedding.
Take note! Never include gift registry information in your invitation.