Catering by Celebrations has been providing catering services in the San Antonio area for over 41 years. Whether you are hosting a formal fine dining event or a casual gathering, or arranging a small business luncheon or a large corporate convention, Catering by Celebrations offers a diverse range of services tailored to fit your specific event. The menu options include classic American dishes, traditional Mexican cuisine, and popular Texas specialties, all of which can be served either table side or buffet style.
What other cities or locations have you worked weddings in?
Catering By Celebrations proudly services San Antonio and cities within a 100 mile radius from our office which is located right next to the Loop 410 and Ih-10 Intersections on San Antonio’s North westside.
What services do you provide?
We provide a variety of services including but not limited to Catering, Wedding Cakes, wedding Decor, Linen/Table/Chair Rentals, Coordination services, D.J. Services, Bar Tender Services (with Liquor Liability if required) and all of your staffing needs
What sets your company apart from similar ones in the same field?
Established in 1982, Catering By Celebrations proudly brings 42+ Years of experience to the table. We have been serving generations of families that have become loyal customers of Catering By Celebrations because of the quality of service they receive.
What is your favorite part of your work week and why?
My Favorite part of the week is the weekend. That is when we get to help couples and their family/Friends create unforgettable memories of the BIG Day!
What is your best planning advice or tip for couples?
Plan Ahead! đŸ™‚
Click here to read more about Catering By Celebrations.