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Missed the San Antonio Bridal Extravaganza? Check out all the highlights here!

The ultimate jump-start on your wedding planning? The Bridal Extravaganza of course. Couples from all over San Antonio joined us for a day of fashion, sweet cake samples, savory catering, pumping DJ’s and so much more. The Bridal Extravaganza is the largest Bridal Show in San Antonio.

Missed the fun?

Check out the details and photos below and join us for the next show on January 15th 2023!


A successful day at the Bridal Extravaganza means grabbing your sneakers and your squad and heading out to accomplish the most important part of show day – meeting wedding vendors. The extensive list of exhibitors takes you from venues to alterations. And the Bridal Extravaganza is the ONLY wedding show where you get Bridal Bucks – think Monopoly style money that works like REAL money when you book a wedding exhibitor. An added bonus? You can turn those contract in for a chance to have part of your wedding paid for through the one and only Cash for Contracts – a unique prize seen only at the Bridal Extravaganza. I mean… who else does this?!


What’s a Bridal Extravaganza show without Grand Prizes?! In addition to Cash for Contract, the day’s fun finishes up with an exciting Grand Prize giveaway. Couples won prizes ranging from a complete photography package to DJ services for their wedding to two $500 cash Grand Prizes. (We love giving away cash, if you haven’t noticed.)


Getting FOMO yet? We hear you. But don’t worry, the next Bridal Extravaganza is coming up on January 15th 2023!

Tickets will be going on sale before you know it. Stay tuned!