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Bridal Blog

Including Dogs in Your Weddings – San Antonio Guest Post by Elm Pass Woods

These days dogs are more a part of our families than ever – so it only makes sense that you and your future forever-love want to include your canine (or canines!) in your wedding day. Check out this helpful blog post from Alex Gold-Haws of Elm Pass Woods.

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Fast Five with J Bar Enterprises

Texas Weddings’ Fast Five asks local wedding professionals the same five questions to help you get to know some of the people behind the companies. Today’s Fast Five comes from Tanis Jamar, co-owner with husband David, of J Bar Enterprises.

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Hiring a Floral Designer in 2021 – Guest Post by Eden’s Echo Floral Design

First of all, Happy New Year!!!  We made it!  Now it’s time to plan that wedding.  Once you have your venue locked down, it’s time to look at other big ticket items like catering and floral.  I’m Erin McLarty, owner of Eden’s Echo Floral Design, here to help you navigate the world of wedding floral planning.

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Cheers to the New Year!

Wow… No one expected 2020 to turn out the way it did. We had to shelter at home, come to the realization that we might run out of toilet paper, figure out distance learning, deal with unemployment and so much more. But we are strong,
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