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The Bride’s List of Gratitude

‘Tis the season to be Grateful. Right?

We are all well-aware of the importance of mindfulness and gratitude. But dang it, sometimes it’s just so hard to do. Especially when planning your wedding. Mothers making the day about them. Bridesmaids falling down on the job. And grooms who actually have their own opinions!

Planning a wedding is like having a part-time job. And so every wedding task is now suddenly a chore. Sometimes you lose the fun in planning. Or just need to be reminded of the good things in these pre-wedding days.

If that’s you, we present the Bride’s List of Gratitude for brides like you in need. Or anyone who needs a little extra gratitude.

Be thankful, you’re not property.

When creating our recent series on Tradition Spins, we did quite a bit of research on the history of different wedding traditions. And the truth was far from romantic.

Many wedding traditions are surrounded by old, historic ideas that women were someone’s property to be handed over from their fathers, to their husbands. Yuck.

We may have a ways to go in total equality, but hey, we’ve come a long way. Your wedding is your own decision. And you are your own woman.

Be thankful, you choose your spouse.

Speaking of husbands, let’s remember, you got to make your choice. Even if there’s moments you regret it (kidding!).

Women were not only once property, they had no say in who their intended was to be. These days, if you marry a goofy bald guy at least you fell in love with him first!

And let’s not forget it wasn’t that long ago many of our gay friends couldn’t even walk down the aisle legally. Applause, applause – those days are past. At least here.

Be thankful, you have a budget.

Ok this one is a little “reverse psychology.”

There are times you may be frustrated you couldn’t pull off the decor you envisioned. Or your dress was off the rack instead of designer.

And it’s ok to be a little disappointed if you can’t afford what you originally had in mind for your wedding. But honey, let’s get a little perspective.

The point is, if you have a wedding budget at all…you’re fortunate. Even a small wedding budget is big money to someone. So kiss that 8 tier wedding cake goodbye. And enjoy the 3 beautiful, delicious layers you can afford, knowing you still have it good.

Be thankful, you get more than cake and punch.

Weddings used to be little more than a ceremony followed by cake and punch in the church hall after.

And though we may at times long for simpler days, overall brides and grooms are much happier having options. You can still opt for the cake and punch reception if that’s you. But you can also go for a garden wedding, an elaborate reception or a destination wedding.

However you view your nuptials happening, couples are encouraged to “Do You” and reflect their style as a couple. And that’s worth being thankful for.

Be thankful, you have bridesmaids to drive you crazy.

We know, choosing your bridesmaids can be tricky. But at least you have choices.

From childhood friends, to current BF’s to loving family members, if you have choices to make, you have people you love and actually want to spend time with. That’s a plus.

The reality is, if you have even one friend willing to throw down $300 for a dress they’ll wear once, you’re lucky. I know, you think the dresses you picked out can be worn again. They won’t be. And it’s ok.

Be thankful, your wedding vendors care.

One thing we know is wedding professionals. And we have yet to meet a Wedding Guide event professional who doesn’t truly care about their couples.

By and far, wedding vendors start their businesses because they love weddings. And the couples they work with. With all the challenges you may face planning your wedding, it’s a good time to be grateful for your dutiful wedding professionals.

Be thankful, therapy exists.

Let’s be honest. Weddings are stressful. It melds family dynamics, finances, and a myriad of opinions all within the pressure of getting one day right. That isn’t easy.

The good news is, it’s easier than ever to talk things through with someone. From traditional therapy to online options to phone apps, you can find a professional who can talk you down and give you some perspective.

And for that, we’re grateful.