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Behind the Lens: Ryan Hamilton Photography

Photographers capture some of the most intimate moments of you and your loved one. They stay with you throughout the entire wedding day, snapping both candid and posed photos. But have you ever wondered about the person behind the lens? We ask Ryan Hamilton about his inspiration for photography, and how he got to be where he is now.

Ideally, you want to know your photographer pretty well. After all, they are going to be the person most by your side – apart from your spouse, of course. I asked photographer Ryan Hamilton a few questions to get the conversation going.

How It All Started

There’s always a story. For Ryan, the story began when he was a child, and his grandmother gifted him with an official FBI Jr. (Reese’s sponsored) camera at Thanksgiving. He remembers it was a 110 film camera with an upright flash – he ran around the house snapping pictures, and thus the calling began.

He took his love for photography into the fourth grade, where he made music videos in his theatre class. He laughs, recalling that while his father was busy watching John Wayne movies, Ryan busied himself with dancing on stage.

When his high school class took a trip to Italy, Ryan saw an opportunity to try out his photography skills. He packed 11 rolls of film and ended up only liking 9 photos when he returned home. His keen and critical eye was already in the making; he would not be satisfied easily.

He stayed in the theatre group throughout his high school years, joining technical theatre and playing a part of a memorable remake of a famous Blink 182 song, What’s my age again?

Headed to Film School

Accepted in Santa Fe’s Media and Design school, Ryan set out to hone in on his skills and make a career of what he loved to do.

“Yeah I can’t lie,” Ryan says, “I hated film school.” He felt his creativity was boxed in, and as we’ll learn, his attitude was well placed by his current success as a photographer. Still, he managed to make the most of film school. Ever the fan of comedy, Ryan directed a school film entitled “A Guys Guide to Getting Chicks.”

One memory he has is of a paper he wrote about growing up in his home. He played on the darker aspects with his signature dark humor – but as it turned out, his professor was not impressed.

Thankfully, he was given an opportunity to do what he loved most – photography. A friend of his requested his skills at her wedding, and not only was the bride impressed with the results, so was the groom.

Going Full Time

In 2011, Ryan was able to make a full-time career of his photography. One of his most memorable shoots was in downtown Austin, where he received an unusual request from a bride: She wanted darker imagery. A lover of going against the grain, Ryan did not disappoint. He recalls how well the flowing back of the Bride’s dress fit perfectly with the staircase on their photo site.

When asked what his favorite event in a wedding to shoot, he answered immediately that candid photos are his absolute favorite. “I like leaving my couple alone, do their own thing,” he says.

He also enjoys capturing the bouquet toss, garter toss, and the shoe game.

Ryan Hamilton Photography

Now the owner of his own photography company, Ryan Hamilton Photography, he’s continued to build a diverse portfolio. Taking a modern approach to a traditional industry, Ryan ensures his photos stay sharp and fun, creative and offbeat, elegant and imaginative.

The highlight of his day is knowing that he helped make yours.