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Bridal Blog

Tradition Spin! The Wedding Posse

Traditionally, you’d see an even number of boys and girls paired up by height flowing down the runway together in 100% matching suits and dresses. No more!

Not only have bridesmaids dresses morphed into a choose-your-own-adventure array of colors and styles, the wedding party has evolved as well. Groomsmaids, Bridesmen, Best Lady, Man of Honor – all are honored positions within the wedding party.

We have the mix on the mixed-gender wedding parties and all the new ways couples are bringing friends and family members into a new vision of the Wedding Posse.

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Tradition Spin: Engagement Rings

Engagement rings have been a symbol of commitment for years. They’re a declaration to the world that you’re taken, that your relationship is moving to the next level.

These days, proposals can be full-scale productions. Manicures done. Cameras rolling. The ultimate social media post completed with accompanying hashtags.

But that’s not every couple. And the typical ladies-only history of engagement rings just doesn’t fit our modern views on marriage.

With that in mind, we have a few new ways couples are showing off their engagements that you just might want to steal.

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Tradition Spin: Guest Books

We recently posted our article Throwing Out Tradition – all about the tired and outdated traditions couples are walking away from. (Hello bouquet toss – we’re looking at you.)

However, instead of throwing some of these traditions completely away, couples can also reinvent them. This takes a tired tradition into a unique and special moment that reflects who you are as a couple.

So we’re tackling the Tradition Spin – all about taking an old tradition and making it new and you! And we’re starting it all off with the reception guest book.

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Shipping & Shortages & Price Hikes – Oh My!

No couples need added stress to their wedding planning efforts, especially these days. You may have had to reschedule your wedding, more than once. Or perhaps you planned a more intimate affair, and are now gearing up for a large-scale reception. Now you’re struggling to find a wedding venue with a Saturday open anytime soon.

And then, you get an email from your bridal store telling you your wedding dress will be shipped four weeks later than planned.


Many couples are feeling the post-pandemic (can we call it that yet?) strain on their wedding plans. Despite the news headlines, shortages and shipping delays are taking many couples by surprise.

We have the rundown on how the current economic woes may affect your wedding plans, and what you can do about it.

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Throwing Out Tradition: Wedding Traditions That We’re Ready to Toss

Wedding traditions are a great way to bring substance and meaning to your wedding ceremony and reception.

But for every meaningful and sweet wedding tradition out there, there’s just as many that seem outdated and frankly, tired. We have the run down on wedding traditions that are, thankfully, beginning to fade.

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Trend Spotted! Neon Signs

Neon signs are becoming oh-so-trendy at wedding receptions and we are so excited about this trend. Neon wedding signs range from the sentimental to the humorous, can be customized and reusable, and add an edgy, festive flair to wedding reception decor. 

We’re showcasing some great neon wedding signs, and how to use them in your wedding.

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Trend Spotted! Lawn Games

Lawn games are making a big appearance in weddings these days! From a few games during cocktail hour to a full-scale competition during the wedding reception. Check out our tips on how to incorporate lawn games into your wedding, and read about a few of our favorites.

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How to Plan a Wedding Ceremony: What to Know

Much of the time you spend wedding planning revolves around your reception. The perfect decorations. Amazing food. Great music.

However, your wedding ceremony needs just as much thought and design. And knowing how to plan a wedding ceremony requires some knowledge and a bit of introspection. With so many options to include in your wedding ceremony, you’ll have some decisions to make. Don’t wait too late in the process to design your perfect ceremony.

And start by reading here on how to do it.

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Venue Contracts – 3 Essential Clauses & What You Need to Know!

For most couples, choosing your San Antonio wedding venue is the first step in planning your wedding. The venue sets the stage for the mood, scope and feel of your wedding. 

When couples are selecting their wedding venue, certain questions immediately come to mind. Size of the venue, location, ceremony options and catering needs. But don’t stop there! 

There are certain details in your wedding venue contract you need to make sure you understand. These details can impact your ease of planning, stress levels and even if your chosen venue can be sold out from underneath you! Read on to learn what you need to know.

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Venue Contracts – 3 Essential Clauses & What to Know About Them!

For most couples, choosing your Austin wedding venue is the first step in planning your wedding. The venue sets the stage for the mood, scope and feel of your wedding. 

When couples are selecting their wedding venue, certain questions immediately come to mind. Size of the venue, location, ceremony options and catering needs. But don’t stop there! 

There are certain details in your wedding venue contract you need to make sure you understand. These details can impact your ease of planning, stress levels and even if your chosen venue can be sold out from underneath you! Read on to learn what you need to know.

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