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Bridal Blog

Very Peri Winter Color Palette

Our last installment of Very Peri color inspiration takes a look at winter wedding inspiration – cozy bridal fashion, warming decorations and sumptuous linens. 

In truth, South Texas winter weddings aren’t always enveloped in chilly, cold weather. You’re just as likely to have sunshine and modest temperatures as you will cold winds and ice. But that doesn’t mean Texas brides don’t love the Winter Wonderland look. 

Read on to see how we created a beautiful Very Peri winter wedding color palette and get inspired for your trendy winter wedding.

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6 Ways to Make Your Wedding Day More Relaxing with Memory Lane Ranch & Lodge

With all the work that goes into planning the perfect wedding day, you want to make sure you and your fiance are actually able to enjoy it! We have six tips from Memory Lane Ranch and Lodge on how to reduce your stress the day of your wedding that are virtually guaranteed to turn down the Stress Meter.

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Spring Very Peri Wedding Color Board

Very Peri has been announced as the Pantone Color of the Year and we’re abuzz with all the ways couples can incorporate this dreamy color into their wedding decor. We talked about the importance of the Color of the Year to designers and wedding planners. Now to the fun stuff!

We’re creating gorgeous color palettes for your Very Peri wedding ready for every season. And we’re starting with the most popular wedding season of the year – Spring!

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Summer Very Peri Color Palette

We’re celebrating the new Pantone Color of the Year, Very Peri, with all things color palettes! We love Very Peri and showed off our Very Peri Spring Color Palette and now we’re focused on summertime weddings. 

Summer weddings are bright, cheerful and festive. Read on to see the Very Peri Summer Color Palette we are falling head over bridal gown for!

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Bridal Sales and Holiday Cheer: December San Antonio Bridal Event Highlights!

‘Tis the season to celebrate all things wedding planning!

December’s events included incredible sales, beautiful wedding venues, and plenty of holiday cheer. Read more about all the wedding happenings in the month of December and be sure to check our Events page to find out about upcoming wedding sales and open house events.

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Trend Spotted! Grazing Boards

Since charcuterie and wine became the go-to dinner in recent years for anyone wanting to nosh in a satisfying but bougie way, grazing boards have become hot, hot, hot.

Couple eager to capture this trend are looking for ways to incorporate grazing boards at their weddings, no matter the style or season. Read on to learn how to incorporate grazing boards into your wedding.

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Tradition Spin: Wedding Vows

Wedding vows have gone from set in stone repetitions to purely original to the barely there words. If you feel stumped on your wedding vows, we’re showing you options.

In our last Tradition Spin installment we’re talking all about your Wedding Vows. The history, the essentials and the new twists.

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The Bride’s List of Gratitude

‘Tis the season to be Grateful. Right?

We are all well-aware of the importance of mindfulness and gratitude. But dang it, sometimes it’s just so hard to do. Especially when planning your wedding. Mothers making the day about them. Bridesmaids falling down on the job. And grooms who actually have their own opinions!

Planning a wedding is like having a part-time job. And so every wedding task is now suddenly a chore. Sometimes you lose the fun in planning. Or just need to be reminded of the good things in these pre-wedding days.

If that’s you, we present the Bride’s List of Gratitude for brides like you in need. Or anyone who needs a little extra gratitude.

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Tradition Spin: Giving Away the Bride

We love scrolling through wedding photography to see the smiles and wholesome moments captured in a day. And we especially love seeing an emotional groom when a bride appears with her dad alongside her, ready to walk down the aisle. It’s sweet. And sometimes hilarious.

As fun as those pics can be, that set up isn’t for everyone.

Next in Tradition Spin! series we’re tackling the tradition of “giving away the bride.” Where the tradition came from, what still works today, and what we’re ready to reinvent.

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Tradition Spin! The Wedding Posse

Traditionally, you’d see an even number of boys and girls paired up by height flowing down the runway together in 100% matching suits and dresses. No more!

Not only have bridesmaids dresses morphed into a choose-your-own-adventure array of colors and styles, the wedding party has evolved as well. Groomsmaids, Bridesmen, Best Lady, Man of Honor – all are honored positions within the wedding party.

We have the mix on the mixed-gender wedding parties and all the new ways couples are bringing friends and family members into a new vision of the Wedding Posse.

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