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Bridal Blog

Getting the Most from Your Wedding Food Tasting

What’s one key ingredient in a great wedding reception? Food, glorious food!

No one wants to serve (or eat!) a la Rubber Chicken at their wedding. You want food that has both style and substance. Something that can be unique and fun, but palatable for the masses.

It’s a tall order. And considering that catering will no doubt be one of the big ticket items in your wedding budget, it’s something you want to get right.

So let’s talk catering choices, challenges and how to get the most from your tasting!

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Shipping & Shortages & Price Hikes – Oh My!

No couples need added stress to their wedding planning efforts, especially these days. You may have had to reschedule your wedding, more than once. Or perhaps you planned a more intimate affair, and are now gearing up for a large-scale reception. Now you’re struggling to find a wedding venue with a Saturday open anytime soon.

And then, you get an email from your bridal store telling you your wedding dress will be shipped four weeks later than planned.


Many couples are feeling the post-pandemic (can we call it that yet?) strain on their wedding plans. Despite the news headlines, shortages and shipping delays are taking many couples by surprise.

We have the rundown on how the current economic woes may affect your wedding plans, and what you can do about it.

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Throwing Out Tradition: Wedding Traditions That We’re Ready to Toss

Wedding traditions are a great way to bring substance and meaning to your wedding ceremony and reception.

But for every meaningful and sweet wedding tradition out there, there’s just as many that seem outdated and frankly, tired. We have the run down on wedding traditions that are, thankfully, beginning to fade.

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Bridezilla vs Bridesmaid: Belly Battles, Wearable Wars and Diplomatic Tensions

You want your wedding day to be perfect.

You have the vision, you’ve done the planning, you expect it to be flawless. Just like your bridesmaids.

And yet, after this Reddit post went viral about a bride kicking her bridesmaid out of her wedding over a haircut, we got to thinking. 

Exactly what is too much to ask of a bridesmaid?

Read on to hear some of the crazy requests brides have made of their bridesmaids, and some solid advice on getting what you want, without being a Bridezilla. 

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San Antonio Bridal Extravaganza Recap

The ultimate jump-start on your wedding planning? The Bridal Extravaganza of course. Couples from all over San Antonio joined us for a day of fashion, sweet cake samples, savory catering, pumping DJ’s and so much more. The Bridal Extravaganza is the largest Bridal Show in San Antonio. Missed the fun? Check out the details and photos below and join us for the next show on January 9th.

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Fall 2021 Wedding Fashion Trends

Autumn is upon us and though we may still be waiting for the air to get crisp and breezy, couples planning their 2022 weddings are shopping now for wedding gowns, bridesmaids dresses and suits for him or her.

Your wedding is a reflection of who you are as individuals, and as a couple. And the styles you wear at the wedding, and events leading up to the reception, perfectly showcases who you are.

We went through all the current wedding fashion trends for 2021 and picked out the best bets for your fall wedding.

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Trend Spotted! Lawn Games

Lawn games are making a big appearance in weddings these days! From a few games during cocktail hour to a full-scale competition during the wedding reception. Check out our tips on how to incorporate lawn games into your wedding, and read about a few of our favorites.

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Getting the Most from Your Wedding Show Visit

Fall is nearly here and that means wedding show season! If you’ve never been to a wedding show before, or you went to one but felt completely unprepared, we’ve got your inside information on how to get the most from your wedding show visit. So download your wedding planning app, grab those sneakers, and get planning!

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8 Wedding Cake Alternatives

Wedding cakes are beautiful, classic and never go out of style. But if you’re looking for something new and unique for your wedding, consider one of these wedding cake alternatives. From new types of cakes to completely different dessert options, we have nine wedding cake alternatives for you to discover.

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Every Mean Girls Character as a Bridesmaid

Ok to be fair we’re not doing every character in Mean Girls. We’re sticking to the ladies (mostly) and as much as we’d like to imagine Trang Pak (most likely to make out with your Uncle) and Amber D’Alessio (keep her away from hot dogs) as bridesmaids, we’re calling out primary plastics and a few other favorites here.

Read on to see how we imagine the Mean Girls character will behave as chosen bridesmaids.

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